[ made by bitsy v8.0 ]

🌔   Gravestone Whispers   ðŸŒ–

This game was an assignment I completed during the Summer School of Game Design at Aalto University in 2024.

It tells the story of a little girl who mistakenly enters a dungeon and turns into a monster.  

After solving the puzzles of each level, she eventually finds a passage leading to the exit. However, a gravestone just before the exit reveals a chilling truth...


Through the display of a laboratory terminal, the little girl finally realizes: she is the very Alice who had been mentioned repeatedly in the dungeon. 

She had died in the dungeon over 200 years ago but had been subjected to human experiments with her memory repeatedly erased.

As she comes to understand all this, a new cycle countdown begins, and she can never leave the dungeon.

I hope everyone enjoys playing it :)

Development log


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this is really some piece of artwork (and I use camera at PSW part)

The last puzzle design is a little complicated, I want to foil the atmosphere found eventually gravestone XDDD